Sopa Doirada recipe (Dessert)


1 cup sugar
1/3 cups water
8   egg yolks
2   slices white bread
3 tablespoons butter

Posted by Art99 on Mar 15, 2008


Boil the water and sugar together until the mixture coats the spoon when it is dipped in (3-5 minutes). Remove from heat.

Beat the egg yolks together and add them very gradually to the syrup, beating constantly so that they are well-incorporated.

Return to heat and stir constantly until thickened (10-15 minutes).

Meanwhile, remove crusts from bread and cut into 1-inch square cubes. Fry these in the butter to a golden brown.

When first mixture is thick, stir the bread cubes into it.

Cool and chill.

Sprinkle with cinnamon when ready to serve.

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