InstructionsIn dutch oven best for this) brown chicken and pork in ¼ c of olive oil. Sprinkle with paprika and add garlic and a little of the onion while cooking. Remove chicken and pork from pan. To the pan add the rest of the oil and onion with the parsley. Cook until the onion is soft. Add the rice and glaze the rice (if you haven't done this is is a process of sort of stir frying the rice before you cook it - similar to what you do with bulgar - it usually takes about 5 minutes at medium heat). Return chicken and pork to the pot. Add the chicken broth, saffron and salt (ground together with mortar and pestle) and olives. Heat until boiling. Cover and place in the oven at 350. This will take 30 min to 45 min to cook depending on the kind of rice that you use and how well your dutch oven makes use of heat. Steam the shrimp and the lobster. When rice is done add the lobster, shrimp, sherry and peas. Bake and additional 5-10 minutes. |
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