Cheese Rosti recipe (Side Dish)


2 lb potatoes, boiled in their skins
tablespoons butter
½ cups diced bacon and /or sliced onion
2 oz sliced Gruyere (5-6 slices)

Posted by Art99 on Mar 17, 2008


Peel and shred potatoes. Heat butter in skillet, add potatoes, diced bacon and or onions and sprinkle with salt. When a crust begins to form on the bottom, turn the rosti, top with cheese slices and press down. Cover tightly so that the cheese will melt nicely and bake until golden brown.

Serve on a plate. Cheese rosti goes especially well with fried sausage (bratwurst) and browned onion rings. Such a hearty cheese rosti can make a meal of its own, however, if served with a lot of green salad and wine or beer, or if you prefer, cafe au lait. This is especially popular in Bern Switzerland but other Cantons where cheese making occurs also have their own versions.

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