Black Rye Bread recipe (Bread)


1 lb rye flour
2 oz fresh yeast
1 liter warm water

Posted by RiVD on Sep 6, 2010


To make dough, heat water to 40-45°C, pour half of the flour, starter and mix well. Sprinkle dough with flour and set in a warm spot to ferment. During fermentation the volume of dough will almost triple. Fermentation is complete after about 14 hours. Then beat dough, add remaining flour, salt and knead well. Smooth top of dough, dampen with wet hands, cover and set in warm spot to rise for about 3 hours.

Prepare baking pans by lining them with maple or cabbage leaves or dust with flour.

Form oblong loaves, smooth tops with damp hands. Bake in preheated oven at 200°C, for about 2-3 hours. Bread is done when it gives off a solid sound. Dampen tops of loaves with cold water, cover loaves with a light linen cloth and let cool at room temperature.

Black rye bread remains fresh for up to 2 weeks when refrigerated.

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